Damaged Passport

Fill in the following details accurately to the best of your knowledge.

Basic Information

Fill the given details accurately to apply for a damaged passport.

Date of Birth

Aadhaar Card Upload

Upload your Aadhar card in the given column

Front Aadhaar Card

Upload the front of your Aadhar card in .pdf or .jpg format

Back Aadhaar Card

Upload the back of your Aadhaar Card in .pdf or .jpg format

Pan card / Bank Passbook Upload

Upload your PAN Card in the given column for the damaged passport.

Pan card Upload

Upload your pan card in .pdf or.jpg format

Bank Passbook Upload

Upload your Bank Passbook in .pdf or .jpg format

Passport Upload

Upload your passport if there available.

Passport Front Upload

Upload your Passport Front Upload in .pdf or .jpg format

Passport Back Upload

Upload your Passport Back Upload in .pdf or .jpg format

Has your passport expired?

Choose whether your passport has expired or not

Residence Information

Choose whether your home is

Rented Documents

Upload your Rented Documents

Rent Agreement 1st page*

Upload your Rent Agreement 1st page* in .pdf or .jpg format

Rent Agreement 2nd page*

Upload your Rent Agreement 2nd page* in .pdf or .jpg format

Rent Agreement 3rd page*

Upload your Rent Agreement 3rd page* in .pdf or .jpg format

Owner Documents

Upload a copy of one of the following documents as a residential proof

Electricity Bill*

Upload your electricity bill in .pdf or .jpg format

Gas Bill*

Upload your gas bill in .pdf or .jpg format

Telephone Bill*

Upload your telephone bill in .pdf or .jpg format

Minor Documents

Upload your Minor Documents

Minor Birth Certificate*

Upload your Birth Certificate* in .pdf or .jpg format

Mother Passport Front*

Upload your Mother Passport Front* in .pdf or .jpg format

Mother Passport Back*

Upload your Mother Passport Back* in .pdf or .jpg format

Father Passport Front*

Upload your Father Passport Front* in .pdf or .jpg format

Father Passport Back*

Upload your Father Passport Back* in .pdf or .jpg format

Major Documents

Upload any of the following documents as an identity proof

Birth Certificate*

Upload your birth certificate in .pdf or .jpg format

Transfer Certificate*

Upload your transfer certificate in .pdf or .jpg format.

School Leaving Certificate

Upload your school leaving certificate (if any) in .pdf or .jpg format

College Leaving Certificate

Upload your college leaving certificate (if any) in .pdf or .jpg format.

SSC Marksheet

Upload your Secondary School Certificate (SSC) marksheet in .pdf or .jpg format.


Choose your marital status from the options given below.

Choose your Booklet

Choose the type of passport booklet you require

Have you ever applied for passport, but not issued ?

Do you have any criminal proceedings pending against you in any court?


Please Specify any concern/issues with your Documents

Basic Information

Do you want to add more applicants?

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